current issue

Issue #1

PDF files to download (right click & save): 
01. font 1
02. font 2
03. cover
04. content [for b&w printing]
05. content [in color]

HTML files to view online:
01. Introduction/Editorial 
02. Venezuela: ASF (alternative social forum)
03. U.S. Eco-resistance: Arrests and Repression
04. Reviews: Disarmo #11, Aullidos Nocturnos #3
05. Mexico (Sonora): The Border at Risk
06. Cuba: Another Cuba is Possible
07. Bolivia: Insurrection in Bolivia
08. Chile: The Unconquered Mapuche
09. Strangers Everywhere
10. Them or us

past issues
coming soon

If you translate any articles from our journal into other languages please let us know so that we can add them to the text library (in the works).